Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Epilogue/ The Cast of September 2009 - June 2010


Well my travels are officially now complete. I've been in England for three weeks and after a London trip then Glastonbury, I've been left with no future travel plans (for now). Most people i've spoke to who came back before me talk of it being crap and how they miss the life of a traveller but i don't feel like that at all, summer is here and there's much fun to be had.
I don't have anything profound or cliched to offer like a discussion of how i 'found myself' but i did have the best time ever, seen some fantastic sights and met some fantastic people. It really is not where you are but who you are with.
If you have the means then you should really go travelling, do it by yourself too so you get the proper experience, I can't see how anything bad can come from it. Even the worse events are stories to tell in the future.

Well with all that done here's some people mentioned in the blogs who made the trip what it was.

Cast of Characters

If you're not mentioned here then just weren't a big enough deal bro to make it big...or i forgot..or you're not on facebook.



Abigail Gepheart

Adam Skinner

"Don't tell Gary but i'm going to have a wank over you tonight"

Agathe Omnes

Alexis De Carpentier

"Would you like some sweets"

Alison Cassidy

Amanda Edwards

Amy Roast

"Ohh can i sit here"

Andrew Johnston

"Hey it's one thing chinning a lass but you can't be glassing them"

Brad Forest Goodland

Charlotte Edwards

Chelsie O'Neill

Claire Scott
"You Northern fooker" (In a anything but a geordie accent)

Connie Stryker Richard
"Are you checking out today?......"

Danielle Walker

"you want medium haircut sir?!"

Dave Tobin
"I like you English...cause you're a bitter bastard like me"
Declan Hughes

"You fucking English bastards"
Einir Jones

Emma Wåhleman

Fiona Evers

François Bévan

"Fucking fuck fuck!...I do for you, you do for me"
Gemma Thorpe

Guy Stephenson

Han Woodrow

Hendrik Schneider

Iwan Madog

"yjtyjtyjt 7rjyjkkkk ktktytyty"

Jack Dearsley

"You see Gary that's how you talk to a woman......OW!"
Jacqui Bay Garner

Jan Böhm

Jamie Jacobs

"They're my favourite shorts though"

Nina Baran

Joe Painter

Johann Guillonnet

John "Storyteller" Maughan
"Ah this one time.............."

Jon Cornick
"My family know you're the one"

Jonas Joensen
"Weeeeelllll, i gotta woman..."

Jonas Linde

Jonas Schaaf

Jose Pedemonte
"who's ate my biscuits!"
Joseph Mackey

Julia Salt

Jérémy Sigault

Jérôme Tremblay

"In Dublin town...."

Kayleigh Mcfeeters

Kellie O'Mahony

Ken Mawhinney

Lasse Larsen
"You're next"

"I'm kind of a big deal here" hahah suresure sure

""Gary, you are my favourite comedian of all time when you're sober. You're horrible when you're drunk, we love sober Gary!""
"Helllloooo" " everything ok? You never said hello this morning?" I could go on

Louise Peltier
"Fucking English!" "Hi five!"

Ma Xm

Marie Moengarie
"Gary, you are a psycho alcholholic"
Melanie Freeman
"Insert deluded comment here"
Michael Penfold
to copper: "Thank you m'lord"

Mohammad Yaghoubi
"Insert conspiracy theory here regarding isreal/iran"
Nevil Todd Biscuits

Nikita Hogg

Owen Campbell
"My ma's a monkey and me dads a Gorilla"
Paul Campbell
"I'm the biggest BASTARD you'll ever meet"
Paulo Briand

Pernille Marie Hansen
Phill J Leicester
"You want some adrenaline?" 

Rebecca Lannge

Remi Salaun

Richard Ward

Rufus Blazing Quickenden

Steven White

Szymon Poland
"No Pussy Blues time!"
Vera Maria

Vincent Peinnet

Yaël Carnet

East Coast

Aled Jones

"fjeslkfsgjlks wepoeokwpo wpotjkorkwok"
Cara 'Dave' Murphy

Charlotte Tasker

Claire Fisher

Dan Hunt

Eleanor Day
"I even find myself annoying at times"
Jai Moons

Katie Price

Laura Gallagher

Lodann Khosravi

Lucy McKellar

Matt Andrews

Stephanie Wright Singer

Tom Watson
"I'm pranging out mate...where's me passport"
Youssef Zaa


Amanda Wakefield

Becky Honess

"I knew I should have called his parents"
Esmé Marques
Gyan Lang

Hannah Rachel Bozena Stone

Holly Stockham

Joe Leung

Katia van Bommel

Lee Chittock

Luke Pauley

Mark Stewart

Matt Rooney

Mike Spruce

Phil Wood